The University of Arizona and Hebei University of Technology offer innovative programs that allow students to earn bachelor’s degrees in Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics from Arizona and Hebei in only four years. The partnership enables students to complete a U.S.-accredited degree entirely in China.

Arizona + Hebei University of Technology Professors

Courses are delievered by both Arizona and Hebei University of Technology professors. Students learn from Arizona faculty, access Arizona resources, and become part of Arizona's network of 295,000 alumni. Innovative course delivery prepares students for an increasingly technical world.

Ranked TOP 1% in the World

The University of Arizona ranks number 69 out of 20,000 schools in the world, according to the Center for World University rankings, and our online bachelors degrees rank #7 in the US according to US News & World Report.

Study Abroad

Students may complete the program entirely in China or study abroad at the Tucson, Arizona campus in the U.S. for a summer or a semester. The palm-tree lined campus is known as one of the most beautiful in the country. The surrounding city features hiking, concerts, and world-class dining.


Materials Science and Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering prepares students to develop innovative, design-enabling engineering materials technologies and manufacturing processes that have a tremendous impact on a broad range of industries that include: microelectronics, automotive, aerospace, biomedical, and more. Students acquire a fundamental understanding of the physics and chemistry responsible for the characteristic behavior of a wide variety of engineering materials that provide specific functional and/or structural design attributes. The curriculum provides coverage of topics on the structure, processing, properties, and performance of metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites, bio-materials, semiconductor materials, and more. Students become part of a program with a track record of excellence in research and academics: industry-relevant programs; a world-class faculty; an entrepreneurial environment; individualized attention; a team approach to problem-solving; a flexible, multidisciplinary curriculum; and modern facilities.

Learning Outcomes
  • Design and engineer materials with desired properties through processing, synthesis, and manipulation techniques.
  • Proficiency in using computational tools and software to model and simulate the behavior of materials and analyze their performance.
  • Develop an awareness of the environmental impact of materials and engineering processes.
Languages of Instruction:
  • English
  • Mandarin Chinese

Mechanical Engineering

This program provides students the opportunity to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems in a variety of fields. Subject areas include Dynamics and Controls; Mechanical Design; Nanotechnology; Thermal Sciences; and Solid and Fluid Mechanics. Gain an understanding of physics, mathematics, and materials to design components ranging from cellular matrices for tissue engineering to cooling systems for hot underground mines, to hardware for military machinery and medical prosthetics.

Learning Outcomes
  • Learn how to use computer-aided tools to design and test mechanical systems.
  • Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  • Ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data.
Languages of Instruction:
  • English
  • Mandarin Chinese

Applied Physics

This is an interdisciplinary program that combines a broad interest in physics with practical career skills, networking opportunities, and experience that equips students for real-world problem-solving. In addition to a broad study of physics, students take technical elective courses in the areas of science, engineering, math, or programming, along with courses in data, statistics, or monitoring and communications.

Learning Outcomes
  • Core knowledge that forms the basis of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, and thermodynamics.
  • Design, conduct, and analyze experiments to optimize engineering
    • Research and development and to investigate underlying physical phenomena.
  • Proficiency in using mathematical or computational skills to investigate physical phenomena or to optimize solutions to technological problems.
  • Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams to address technological problems arising in academic, government or private sectors.
Languages of Instruction:
  • English
  • Mandarin Chinese

Materials Science and Engineering

  • Design Engineer
  • Materials Engineer
  • Meteorologist
  • Manufacturing Engineer

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineers have a wide range of career options across the world and are needed in virtually every industry, including:

  • Automotive & Transportation
  • Marine
  • Utilities
  • Defense
  • Chemical
  • Medical

Applied Physics

  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Computer and Electronics Engineer
  • Chemical and Environmental Engineer
  • Nuclear Engineer

Hebei University of Technology

The predecessor of Hebei University of Technology is called the Beiyang Technology School established in 1903, which is the earliest university in China to cultivate industrial talents, and it founded the earliest university-run factory in China. The University ranked among the first batch of key universities under the national "Project 211" in 1996. In 2014, it was jointly built by Hebei Province, Tianjin, and the Ministry of Education. In 2017, it was selected as a national "double first-class" University. In recent years, three disciplines - materials science, chemistry, and engineering - have been ranked in the top 1% of the global ESI rankings and have been moving forward. The university has 20 teaching institutions and 64 undergraduate majors, including 37 national first-class undergraduate majors in development, covering seven disciplines of engineering, science, economics, management, arts, law, and fine arts.



Once admitted to Hebei University of Technology, students receive application instructions from the University of Arizona. Students must meet admissions criteria of both institutions.

Contact Us

University of Arizona at Hebei University of Technology
Room C311, Arizona College of Technology, Hebei University of Technology,No. 5340 Xiping Road, Beichen District, Tianjin, China, Postcal Code 300401